Project: "Tal im Licht"__Concept and Audiocontent for an architectural A/V-Sculpture exhibited @Munich Airport and Gallery Pasinger Fabrik
"Tal im Licht" 8-meter wide audiovisual sculpture using 9 videoprojectors and 6 speakers, 3:30 min audiovisual loop
Markus Uhrig: architectural concept and comissioning architect
Lukas Taido: concept, art direction, music and sound design
Phil Max Schöll / Weltraumgrafik: digital illustration and animation
The artwork "Tal im Licht" was created to accompany the architectural plan "Belebtes Tal" for a complete remodeling of the street Tal in Munich's old town, developed by the Munich based architect Markus Uhrig. According to the concept, the tarmac and traffic shall be removed and replaced by a pedestrian area, including a small water-stream with bridges, bridge-seating balconies and other islands of serenitiy and contemplation. The 1:50 scale model uses a precise reconstruction of all the building facades on the south side of the street based on a linear-panoramaphotograph, for a micro-videomapping combined with 6-channel audio.
The sculpture was conceived as an artistic approach to challenging the common form of representation, stereotypical in look and execution, which has evidently been given priority for years with the task of conveying architectural or urban planning — to experts as well as the general public.
"Tal im Licht" 8-meter wide audiovisual sculpture using 9 videoprojectors and 6 speakers, 3:30 min audiovisual loop
Markus Uhrig: architectural concept and comissioning architect
Documentation video exhibition at the arrival hall at Munich airport
Documentation video exhibition at art gallery Pasinger Fabrik